Oak Island Fishing Charters Backwater Action
Posted on 07/16/2013 in Uncategorized.
Even after all this wind and rain here at Oak Island the backwater fishing has been steady since Sunday again. Lots of Red and Black Drum with a trout mixed in. The big news is the last two days the Flounder have made a great showing catching 10 plus a trip but most are too small to keep. The flounder fishing will get better so lets keep the rods bent on the Drum.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Backwater to Bluewater Update
Posted on 07/12/2013 in Uncategorized.
Finally the whole week was great fishing at Oak Island. We started the week off chasing down the Scamp Groupers and Amberjacks. Then the next couple days we did battle with huge blacktip sharks very close to the beach and if you noticed we leave all the big sharks in the water and released unharmed. If we cant grab them I will not put a gaff hook in one then think its ok as its bleeding. Now on the final leg of the week we stayed in the backwater targeting Red Drum and Flounder. So no matter what you want to catch we will try our best to produce cause its our FULL TIME job and we love what we do. Looks like Ill be sitting at the house as this storm blows by Fri and Sat but hope to be back on the water Sunday.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Nearshore Is On Fire
Posted on 07/09/2013 in Uncategorized.
With all the fresh water running out of the Cape Fear River and around Oak Island I don’t see how the Nearshore fishing can get any better. The big Bluefish and Spanish are still holding out in the 4 mile range. The Sharks on the morning trip was MIA but on the afternoon trip you could sight cast to 60-80lb blacktips the whole time. Just goes to show you this when you go fishing you never know whats going to happen. Ill be in the backwater the rest of the week and Capt John will be nearshore.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Nearshore Update
Posted on 07/08/2013 in Uncategorized.
The Nearshore action off Oak Island is finally in full swing again. All the Big Bluefish and Spanish mackerel you care to catch about 4 miles off the beach. The big Sharks are very thick also on all our nearshore trips the last few days we have been catching Hammerheads and Blacktips in the 7 foot range. Waiting on the pictures to start rolling in.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Nearshore and Backwater Update
Posted on 07/05/2013 in Uncategorized.
The waters off Oak Island really took a beating with the wind and the rain but Capt John found the Spanish Mackerel today and they were hungry. In the Backwater we are still producing steady action with the Red Drum, Black Drum and a flounder here and there. Thank you for letting us share your adventures.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Red Drum Backwater Fishing
Posted on 07/03/2013 in Uncategorized.
Finally today at Oak Island it did not rain and the wind was light enough for us to cross the Cape Fear River. The Red Drum are still around along with the Black Drum. We had a lot of rain so the current events will change daily as the water mixes. Anyway you look at it we are still catching fish so bring on the sunshine.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Backwater Rain Dance
Posted on 06/30/2013 in Uncategorized.
This weekend has been filled with windy, raining conditions here at Oak Island but that has not stopped us from putting some fish in the boat. Most of the rain only last 10-15 min at a time so its really no big deal. We find protection from the wind then continue to catch Red Drum and Blackdrum. Looks like the pattern for the next several days but the fish are already wet and they are hungry. Bring a rain coat or wear your swim suit
Oak Island Fishing Charters Nearshore and Backwater update
Posted on 06/26/2013 in Uncategorized.
Oak Island Fishing Charters has been busy with the backwater and nearshore fishing trips . Still on the nearshore scene the Blacktip sharks have been biting good the past 2 days and to have 2 on at a time was very common. In the backwater the Red Drum bite is still on fire. Pictures from myself and Capt Johns Shark fishing trips will be posted once the charters sends them over.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Shark Fishing
Posted on 06/24/2013 in Uncategorized.
Finally made it out to the ocean today off Oak Island today looking for some Blacktip Sharks. This morning trip was a little slow but we did manage to miss a few and get a good one. On the afternoon trips the sharks were swimming around the boat and catching them was no problem. At times we would have 2 on at a time and in my opinion it does not get any better. All sharks were released and never showed any sign of harm.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Backwater and Shark Fishing
Posted on 06/23/2013 in Uncategorized.
Well we are still dealing with tough conditons from mother nature but fish are still coming in the boat. Once again Capt John report big Blacktip Sharks this morning until the rain sent them running to the house. In the Backwater the Red Drum and Speckled trout wanted to play tug-a-war until the rain set in. All in all great fishing just had to put up with a little rain. Sure wish this wind would stop blowing.