Oak Island Fishing Charters Nearshore and Backwater Fishing Charters
Posted on 08/23/2014 in Uncategorized.
The last few days the weather has been just about perfect and the fishing has been easy again of Oak Island NC. The Spanish Mackerel have showed back up in good numbers along with the Blacktip sharks. While fishing in the backwater the flounder bite is still slow but the Red Drum are starting to school up and catching 3 or 4 at a time is common. Looks like a taste of fall coming this week.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Nearshore, Offshore and Backwater Fishing
Posted on 08/18/2014 in Uncategorized.
We finally had a stretch of nice weather at Oak Island NC and had all kinds of trips running around. First off the Offshore fishing this week has been great execpt the Grouper have been few and far between. This will improve but every other kind of bottom fish is ready for a ride to the dinner table. The Nearshore fishing is finally back in full swing with Spanish Mackerel up and down the beach and of course the Sharks are very easy to catch. With all the rain we had a few weeks ago the Backwater fishing has finally producing good numbers again with Red Drum and Flounder. Fall is around the corning so dont wait lets book an adventure.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Nearshore Report
Posted on 08/13/2014 in Uncategorized.
The last few days Oak Island Fishing Charters has been fishing near the beach chasing Spanish Macherel (which showed up good today). Not to be pulled away that its shark week we got off to a slow start Monday morning but then the bite turned on. At times we would lose count on the number of Blacktips and was thankful the sharks was circling the boat. On the nearshore reefs the flounder bite is picking back up also. Sure hope the rest of the week is as good as the last couple days.
Oak Island Fishing Charters After the Storm update
Posted on 08/05/2014 in Uncategorized.
The last 4 days it has rained nonstop and while I was inside all I could think about was how bad the fishing was going to be. Thankfully after today nothing has changed, the water color in the ocean looked just as clean if not cleaner then before the rain and sure its a little brown but its better then sandy green. The sharks this morning was biting strong for the first couple hours with a fish every 10 min or so. On the afternoon trip we caught a few but it had slowed way down for us for some reason.