Oak Island Fishing Charters Weekly Update
Posted on 09/17/2013 in Uncategorized.
I will admit Ive been slack the last couple week on the fishing reports but I do have a good reason. Im still fishing everyday all day and the fish are chewing. True meaning of Backwater to Bluewater the last 8-10 days with great catches of Red Drum, Sharks, Spanish Mackerel, Grouper and Amberjacks. Fishing does not get any better than right here at Oak Island. Still have a few days open in Oct so hurry up and don’t miss out.
Oak Island Fishing Charters Update
Posted on 09/06/2013 in Uncategorized.
We have been really busy here at Oak Island fishing in the backwater and nearshore. With fall fishing right around the corner fishing should get better everyday. The Red Drum, Black Drum and Speckled Trout are providing steady action daily with the charters. On the nearshore scene the Spanish Mackerel and Shark fishing is about as good as it can get. We will be trying to catch a big Tarpon in the morning and after that picture (I hope) I will post some pictures from the past couple weeks. If you have not booked for Oct we still have a few days left open.