(910) 470-1995 wally@oakislandfishingcharters.com

Inshore Fishing

Oak Island Fishing Charters Backwater Fishing

Posted on 04/22/2014 in Inshore Fishing.

Well Ive been painting a picture of doom and gloom on the backwater fishing with the charters because of all the rain and cool weather we just had.  To be honest the Red Drum are hungry and with us having lots of places that produce fish we don’t have to go looking.  Bottom line is the fishing is getting better but it is fishing and not always like today.

Oak Island Fishing Charters Weekend Backwater Update

Posted on 07/23/2013 in Inshore Fishing.

Ill make this short and simple.  The wind as been blowing pretty good here at Oak Island and the boats have not been able to make it out into the ocean.  Just because its rough out there does not mean we have been sitting around because the Red Drum are still willing to put a good bend in the rods and smiles on all the clients that have  joined us the last 3 days.  Looks like we will be back in the ocean around Wed but there is still a lot of Backwater to explore this week.


Oak Island Fishing Charters Red Drum Action

Posted on 05/24/2013 in Inshore Fishing.

Sorry Ive been slack on whats been going on the last several days but I can still keep it short and sweet.  The Red Drum are still hanging around in pretty good numbers and has to be my favorite fish to catch in the backwater.  One more day in the creeks then its off to smash the grouper.



Oak Island Fishing Charters Nearshore 1/2 day

Posted on 05/17/2013 in Inshore Fishing.

What an awesome day today fishing on the beach.  Spanish Mackerel everywhere jumping and biting plus it was slick calm (not sure how that happened).  Anyway come on down and join us for a fun day on the water.  Backwater to Bluewater no problem you just got to find the time to come down.  Pictures to come.

Oak Island Fishing Charters Backwater Report

Posted on 05/16/2013 in Inshore Fishing.

Today Oak Island Fishing Charters had 2 1/2 day backwater trips cause the wind was blowing to hard to get in the ocean “imagin that”.  The first trip was awesome cause there for  most of the trip we could do no wrong catching fish two at a time at times.  Everything this morning was picture perfect including our crew.  Now the afternoon trip was a complete waste of time for us if it could go wrong it did so the only solution was to go back to the dock early and try it again the other day.  Today was a classic example of how fishing can go from one extreme to another.  Sure wish this wind would stop.

Pictures coming soon.

Oak Island Fishing Charters Weekend Report

Posted on 05/13/2013 in Inshore Fishing.

With trips wanting to go way offshore and the winds not being in our favor we bounced around in the backwater looking for the inshore grandslam.  The flounder are here so now its just a matter of putting it all together with the Red Drum and Trout.  The “peanut pogies” have been very hard to find so go to the Tackle Box and try the Tiger Minnow because thats what we are catching the flounder and you want have to waste time looking for bait.  Going to get out for an afternoon King Mackerel, Shark trip tomorrow so stand by.

Oak Island Fishing Charters Black Drum Backwater

Posted on 05/07/2013 in Inshore Fishing.

Today we waited around till the rain passed then headed out to do some drum fishing.  Just about everywhere we went we caught something “most were to small” but we did get a few good Black Drum.  The fish must have been in shock that the sun was shining or I just never found what I really wanted.  As always a great time on the water.

Oak Island Fishing Charters Backwater Drum Action

Posted on 05/03/2013 in Inshore Fishing.

Today can throw the rule book on fishing out the window.  With 25kts NE winds all morning I really dont think the fishing could have been any better.  There for while I thought the wind was blowing the Red Drum into the boat.  Great time with the fish and customers.


Oak Island Fishing Charters Backwater Fishing

Posted on 04/28/2013 in Inshore Fishing.

Today we joined in W.A.I.T. Women Anglers In Training and this day was nothing but great.  These ladies learned the day before all kinds of fishing info and got to put their skills to the test today.  Remember ladies we dont have to wait a whole year to do this again, hope to see yall soon.


Oak Island Fishing Charters Red Drum Fishing

Posted on 04/07/2013 in Inshore Fishing.

Finally had a beautiful day on the water and even though it took us a while to locate the fish we found the action.  Once we found the drum they kept in the same spot for over an hour till we ran out of bait.  Even though we did not “land” a real big one the opportunity was there.  I left the camera in the other boat so it looks like we will have to go catch them again for the photo moment.  Still ready to do a little commercial king mackerel fishing.

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