(910) 470-1995 wally@oakislandfishingcharters.com

oak island fishing charters Jan Report

Posted on 01/05/2016 in Uncategorized.

the last 30 days Capt JD and myself put the focus on catching Bluefin Tuna.  This was the first year in about 5 years they have showed up and since I was the one that caught the last one in Brunswick County we tried hard to catch the first one again.  Capt JD had 3 on at one time but its hard to put into words what kind of confusion takes place that usually ends up being 0 for 3.  The next day we had our chance and after hour half only 60ft from the boat on top of the water we had a giant pull the hook.  There was still hope because of the steady weather pattern we could still get to the fish and 2 days latter Capt JD caught the biggest bluefin tuna every landed in Brunswick County measuring 113″ weighing around 750-800lbs.  Besides chasing the bluefin we would still load the boat catching king mackerel in the afternoon.  Looks like its about time to do the winter maintenance nobody ever sees so the boats will be ready when the season starts back up usually around Easter break then wide open May 1st.  Hurry and book your grouper trip now only 18 days left in May to “target” Grouper and when we head offshore thats our specialty

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