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Oak Island Fishing Charters Backwater Report

Today Oak Island Fishing Charters had 2 1/2 day backwater trips cause the wind was blowing to hard to get in the ocean “imagin that”.  The first trip was awesome cause there for  most of the trip we could do no wrong catching fish two at a time at times.  Everything this morning was picture perfect including our crew.  Now the afternoon trip was a complete waste of time for us if it could go wrong it did so the only solution was to go back to the dock early and try it again the other day.  Today was a classic example of how fishing can go from one extreme to another.  Sure wish this wind would stop.

Pictures coming soon.

Oak Island Fishing Charters Nearshore/Backwater

We are back to the windy conditions again but the fishing has turned the corner on the nearshore.  Spanish Mackerel and Big Sharks are here but scattered and Ive even seen a few King Mackerel caught.  Today the red drum and trout was ok but the fish were a little small for the camera.  Looks like we might get offshore Fri and Sat if the weather stays the same.

Oak Island Fishing Charters Weekend Report

With trips wanting to go way offshore and the winds not being in our favor we bounced around in the backwater looking for the inshore grandslam.  The flounder are here so now its just a matter of putting it all together with the Red Drum and Trout.  The “peanut pogies” have been very hard to find so go to the Tackle Box and try the Tiger Minnow because thats what we are catching the flounder and you want have to waste time looking for bait.  Going to get out for an afternoon King Mackerel, Shark trip tomorrow so stand by.

Oak Island Fishing Charters Offshore Report

Full day trip targeting Mahi, Wahoo and Grouper was a success for sure.  We only missed 1 fish on the troll and Limited out on Mahi’s and Wahoo’s.  On the way home I stopped to sample a grouper number for the day the wind ever stops blowing again and it was crazy good.  Every drop to the bottom was 15-20lb scamp groupers.  Go to our Facebook page for pictures or Ill post here later.

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